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Our Lady and Our Lord’s, and the Personages from Heaven Messages to Veronica Lueken, ‘Veronica of the Cross’ click here

New! - The Year 2023 - warnings from Heaven through Jacinta Marto, click here to be redirected

2023 VigilCalendarLast updated 05/03/2024

For Our Lady once more revealed to Jacinta, shortly before her death in February 1920, what is really the essence of the Third Secret of Fatima: that 666, satan, the forces of antichrist, would enter the highest realms of the hierarchy in Rome beginning in the year 1972! Given human weakness and Mother Godinho's obsession, it would seem that this prediction of an event which would unlikely be fulfilled in her lifetime actually served to increase her delusion. Of course, she never did get her order. Our Lady told Veronica that for this infidelity Mother Godinho suffered in purgatory for eight years, until the year 1968.

Now we know from Our Lady's messages that beginning in 1972, Pope Paul VI was kept a virtual prisoner in the Vatican. Some ecclesiastics in the highest positions of the hierarchy, being infiltrators or having fallen from grace, drugged the good Pope, censored his mail, forged his documents, and finally staged an impostor to complete their sinister plan. Pope Paul himself gave the world an indication of this terrible situation on June 29, 1972, when he said: "From some fissure the smoke of satan entered into the Temple of God." Though it was generally unknown at the time, he truly had much to suffer. While Fatima watchers were waiting to see a great catastrophe in the world in the year 1972, as predicted in Mother Godinho's letter, Pope Paul was beginning his silent, heroic martyrdom as he watched Jesus' beloved Church being demolished from within. MORE PRAYERS FOR PRIESTS It is precisely a horrible situation like this that underscores the importance and necessity of prayer and more prayer for cardinals, bishops, and clergy of all ranks. And so it is since September 1972 - not coincidentally - we have conducted a Holy Hour for priests every Sunday (see box on page 2). In conclusion, one can only wonder what the scenario would be today if only Mother Godinho had followed through correctly. Would the Third Secret have been publicly released by now? Would this knowledge have thwarted or at least hampered the evil designs of those who sought to destroy the Church - a Church today which lies in shambles? Would the Second Vatican Council been even considered, much less convened? Or if it was, with a different agenda? Written by the Shrine office as explained to Veronica from St. Theresa.  Vigil of October 6, 1991

Our Lady - "My child, you are looking into Rome on that horrendous day when the Holy Father shall leave you. I say 'shall' because the message is being rejected in Rome. The previous messages about this carnage to the Holy See and the Holy Father has been taken with a manner of laughter. Too late will they laugh and refer to My visitation in New York as being absurd. My child and My children, that is satan. And as a holy Pope once told you before he died, he knew that the smoke of satan had entered into Rome and the Vatican. Well did he understand My visit to him, My child. The world has never known how close I was to your Vicar at that time, Pope Paul VI. Yes, My child, he was removed from the earth, also, with his impostor."  Vigil of September 14, 1985

Our Lord Jesus- "There is a formation within My House that I give and label as the evil men of the cross. They are impostors. They have entered to destroy. They have reached and attained the highest leadership in My House upon earth. They are recrucifying Me in My House. Your Vicar is a prisoner within My House. "I caution you in the days ahead to read all periodicals and approach your news medias with a critical eye, for you seldom will receive now the truth in print or through your news medias, My children, which are fully controlled by the Grand Masters and those who are seeking to bring about the one-world religion and the one rule of government - a measure of enslaving all of mankind under the forces of Antichrist. "The man of perdition, 666, is in Rome. The man of perdition, 666, is in every country of earth now. Every nation is polluted by the errors of the forces of darkness. When the world receives the baptism of fire, there will be few left. "My Mother, as a Mediatrix between God and man, has held in abeyance the heavy hand of your God, that must soon be set upon you in order to save your generation. For I assure you, My children, in the destruction you are fast heading into, there will be little flesh left unless We rescue you from your own-made destruction. "The Eternal Father in Heaven is most merciful, and My children, none shall be lost except they choose this of their own free will. "Do not fall into the error of your day, the error that is being given a worldwide circulation in your houses, churches - My Church and all heretical sects - that because of My death and My crucifixion no man will die. But what is death, My children, but a destruction of your immortal soul, a soul that is in darkness and destroyed by being given to satan for eternal damnation. Do not be misguided by those who say you may sin, you may break all the rules of your God and still be saved. It is a fallacy and an abominable error straight from the depths of hell, and the creation of satan to delude you until there is no way back. "Each and every man, woman, and child of the age of reason is accountable to the very end for his way, the road he has chosen while upon earth. Life is eternal for all, but where shall you spend this eternity? Though My Mother cries and pleads to you as a fallen generation, you must understand that not all who cry 'Lord, Lord,' can enter into the Kingdom. It is won by merit and obedience to your God. And I repeat: obedience to your God, but not obedience to a man who defies your God.

"O My children, My little children, you scatter in all directions, blinded to your faith, blinded to the realization that your country has fallen to satan, and blinded to the knowledge of even the existence of life beyond your grave. I say unto you, as your God, that the living, the greatest part of you is your spirit, your soul. It will never die. And you retain, My children, all knowledge in intellect. You do not lose your perception. You have full knowledge across the veil of what you will have gained or lost. Your emotions, My children, are retained, I say unto you. And you will realize the greatest depth of suffering imaginable if you do not prepare for your eternal reward in Heaven, if you do not seek the way. This, My child, is what is taking place: in darkness will they seek the way? In darkness will they seek the way, or will they continue right into the abyss? "Mitres shall not escape the flames of eternal damnation. For those who have been given great grace, much is expected of them, more so, My children, than those who are ignorant or deluded. But mighty man, rulers among men, you who have been given the knowledge of your faith, and you cast it aside for worldly acknowledgment and gain, I say unto you: many mitres shall fall into hell. And cast not aside the realization of the existence of hell and purgatory. You are sons of satan who take this knowledge away from My sheep. And the father of all liars is satan.

"My children, you will follow My direction; you will follow My Mother's direction and act upon it, or you will not be saved. "The end shall come upon mankind fast. It will not be the full destruction of your world. I, as your God, will see to that. Never more shall you perish as you did with the Flood, but I say unto you: only a few will be saved, and only a few among your teeming millions shall survive the great cataclysm and the Chastisement. "Do not be deluded and close your ears to the warnings from Heaven because others say to you: O where is the promise of His coming, and where are these chastisements He speaks of? Do you need them at your own door before you will awaken to the truth? Have I not sent upon you enough warnings? But for the grace given to you from the Eternal Father, and having My Mother as a Protectress to you, you would have received your just punishment far sooner, My children. "Many times it is only the few who keep this chastisement from you. It is only the few lights in the darkness that will hold back a full destruction upon mankind. This will be in the all-knowing judgment of the Eternal Father.  Vigil of November 22, 1976

Statue rose and feather flag angle NICERED HORSE
Our Lord Jesus- "The red horse is war! And war is in the balance next, My child. And what can you do about this? This is My direction from Heaven - and We hope, My children, that you will get this out to the world: Unless the bishops and the Holy Father in unity with all the bishops of the world, unless they consecrate Russia to My Mother's Immaculate Heart, the world will be doomed! Because Russia will continue to spread her errors throughout the world, rising up wars and carnage and pestilence and famine. Is this what you want, My children? BESIEGE THE HOLY FATHER AND BISHOPS FOR CONSECRATION "Every single soul upon earth that hears My voice this evening has an obligation, for the sanctification of their own souls and the souls of those they love, to listen to Me and follow the direction. I wish that all who hear My words this evening will go forward and besiege, if necessary, the Holy Father and the bishops with a request for this consecration of Russia. We do not mean the world, My children, We mean Russia!  Vigil of June 17, 1989

Our Lord Jesus- "Already there is much discord in My Church upon earth. It saddens everyone in Heaven. And We are out in force now, going throughout the world seeking to set up armies of good children who will fight, to the bitter end if necessary, to save My Church upon earth. It is being destroyed. Just as rodents will burrow into a house, those who have evil natures are burrowing into My Church. We find it almost unrecognizable, My children. However, I will say this: I asked you to remain in your parish churches, not to judge by the actions of man. "The institution itself, as set up by Me, remains to be true; however, the cavorting and the banjos and the guitars and the musical interludes and the dancing are all created by satan. So you can understand that satan has entered now with his armies in full regalia, appearing as humans. However, they are demons in disguise, and they have one ultimate aim: to try to destroy My Church, the Roman Catholic Church, with the Seat of Peter as the head.  Vigil of March 18, 1989

Our Lady -
"There is now in the world a satanic grouping of one-world planners. They will eliminate slowly in their plan the Church of Jesus. This will be accomplished in great haste, should the Seat of Peter be abandoned at this time. "We ask that all prayers continue in perpetuity. A constant vigilance of prayer will go throughout the world. Your world can no longer be saved by any means of man, for now man stands in judgment before his God.
"Should I give you at this time dates as you ask, My child, there will be no constructiveness in this measure. Be prepared now, and you will be ready for what lies ahead. "Love of your God, honor to your God, and following the rules set forth by your God shall not be a temporary habit, but must be inborn and a renewal complete. "All who parade as angels of light but carry black hearts do not go unseen by the Father. They shall be pulled as weeds from the garden.
"There is no force, be it in your Heaven or on your earth, that is above your Creator. Man in his arrogance shall meet the fate of the fallen angels.
Vigil of March 18, 1973
Our Lady- "We watch the battle that rages upon earth. Awaken and look with enlightened hearts upon fact and truth. You are now living in the battle of the spirits, the days of approaching darkness. "I have chosen to remain upon earth as a Mediatrix between God and man. I will remain here with you, and have sent many guardians upon earth to guide you in the battle ahead. "Our hearts and tears fall upon the young, the victims of their elders. The judgment of God will not be understood by human man. Therefore, you will all direct by good example and prayer. Do not seek to castigate your neighbor, but by good example and prayer lead him back onto the road to the Kingdom. Vigil of February 10, 1973
Our Lady-
"My child, let the world know that Nicaragua is a center point for the capitulation of the United States of America and Canada. Already there are plans afoot, and in the making, with missiles and all dire instruments of destruction. These plans are being formulated from Nicaragua, to go into Mexico, and thereupon into the United States. "You see, My child and My children, I am sure that with My attempts to approach your president of the United States. . . . Yes, My child, though he is not of the Faith, I have approached him. He heard My voice. He heard My voice but cannot speak of it. He does not understand the fully supernatural. Vigil of June 18, 1987
Our Lady
- "Your country, the United States of America, is in great danger for invasion. Already the plan is in motion. I warn you again: The United States of America is in great danger of invasion. You are surrounded now by the enemy. "Do not be misled by your news medias. They are not telling you the full truth. There is much going on that is kept hidden from you. Your country, the United States of America, and also Canada, has been invaded from within. The enemy has worked their way in well. It has taken years - years in which I came to you, as your Mother, and begged you to listen while there was time. But who cared enough to listen? Only those few who We now depend on to go forth and bring the Message to the world. Vigil of June 30, 1984
Our Lady- "In your world now of modernism and humanism, socialism, communism, secularism - all of this, My children, is leading to the unification of man into a one-world religion, a one-world church, and a one-world government to the enslavement of mankind, creating a form of mass atheism in the world. Man is setting up false idols to worship: money, power, materialism.
My children, none of this will have any value to you when you leave this world. You must now gather and store your treasures in Heaven if you want and wish to go there. These are called graces, graces given freely for the asking, graces for cures of the spirit before they come over the veil. Vigil of July 25, 1977
Our Lady- "The children are the innocent victims of their elders. All parents are cautioned anew to guard their children's souls. The truth of the knowledge of their God must be given to them by their parents. They shall not receive this knowledge when they leave your homes. "Immorality and all manner of debasement of the flesh is taking place upon earth. The sins of the flesh shall condemn many to the abyss. Vigil of October 6, 1975
Our Lady- "The octopus of evil, the international conspiracy of evil, has at its head a Grand Master. I cannot at this time, My children, reveal in entirety the order of succession of those who seek to enslave your world.
"The fall of man, this destruction that is fast approaching upon mankind, is being allowed as a redemptive measure by the Eternal Father, a means, a way to separate the sheep from the goats.
"In the past many have cried out, warning you of the coming of false teachers. Now you must open your eyes, come out of your slumber, and pray a constant vigilance for guidance from your Holy Spirit.
"The persecution to all those who follow and defend My Son in truth, in the light, the persecution will be great. The masters of deceit, they are gathering like vultures to send into motion a conspiracy of evil that has been brought about because mankind has given himself to all manner of evil.
"The time given by your prophets of old, the time of times is here. You will all, My children, wear your sacramentals in the battle, the days ahead. What was to happen in the future shall be now. Your world will be baptized by fire. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
"False teachers and teachings abound in your world now. False teachers roam in My Son's House. You must now, pastors, reverse your ways, for they offend the Eternal Father much. I cannot hold back the hand of My Son; it grows heavy.
"All manners of corruption and evil abound in the hearts of many. The children are the victims of their elders. The children are fast going into darkness. All parents hold a great responsibility for the salvation of their children's souls. Do not expect the truth to be given to your children when they leave the safety of your homes. Satan has control of your earth now. He works through bodies of humans, but these bodies are captured by satan through sin and they are used, they are used to enslave

"The fall of a nation goes downward by steps. Immorality, debasement, debauchery - all manners of foul practices offensive to God and human nature are being practiced now, even in homes, My children. What manner of vile evil do you as parents permit to enter your homes? What manner of example as parents are you giving to your children?
"Many of Our children are wandering without direction, falling prey to all humanism and modernism that has darkened the souls throughout your world. Pastors, you shall be called and shall you stand before, in judgment, the Eternal Father and say that your teaching has been pure in His sight? Better that you fear your God than man! Obedience? Obedience is commanded by the Eternal Father for good, not for evil!" Vigil of May 26, 1976
Our Lady- "You will understand and broadcast the message to the world that there will be a great destruction in the monetary systems of the world. It will affect both the United States and Canada, and all the great powers of the world. And I repeat again:
You will go to your stores to do your shopping carrying papers which may as well be newspapers, for the value they will have to purchase even food will be nil.
"How can a great country like the United States fall, you say, My child? You ask Me in your heart. I read your heart. I will tell you why. Because they have given themselves over to satan. When a country has lost its morality and seeks the pleasures of the flesh, giving over, themselves over to all manner of abominations, like homosexuality, and condoning this up to the highest courts of the land, then that country shall fall.
"It is the will of the Father that all men be saved. But you must understand this, My child and My children: You have all been given a free will. I repeat: The road to Heaven is narrow, and so few are finding it. The road to hell is wide, and thousands are falling into hell every day. The road to purgatory is also narrow, and there are many who have been there since the beginning of creation, because they have no one to pray for them.
"You must remember, My children, the souls in purgatory. I also tell you this, My children: On one Saturday of the month, I shall take out of purgatory many souls, if you will save them.
"I see, My child, that that gives you a great lifting to your heart, which has been bowed with sorrow from the beginning of this day.
"Yes, My child, there is a hell, there is a Heaven, and there is a purgatory. Most, lately, My child, have been going to purgatory and hell. It is not impossible to immediately go to Heaven, My child, but it will be some time before the Beatific Vision can be met. It is reserved for the few.
"I want you, My children, to wear the brown Scapular. You must wear the brown Scapular. The time of times is approaching. The great Chastisement is approaching. The hours upon earth should be counted in the few. These are truly, My children, your latter days. You cannot escape the oncoming fury. Vigil of November 1, 1985
Our Lady- "Your country, the United States of America, is in great danger for invasion. Already the plan is in motion. I warn you again: The United States of America is in great danger of invasion. You are surrounded now by the enemy.
"Do not be misled by your news medias. They are not telling you the full truth. There is much going on that is kept hidden from you. Your country, the United States of America, and also Canada, has been invaded from within. The enemy has worked their way in well. It has taken years - years in which I came to you, as your Mother, and begged you to listen while there was time. But who cared enough to listen? Only those few who We now depend on to go forth and bring the Message to the world.
Our Lord Jesus- "My child, I know much of this discourse distresses your heart, but you can imagine well - and I know you do, My child Veronica - the sorrow My Mother feels now that sex education has entered upon the school system. We say unto you, and I say to you as your God, My children: Mothers and fathers of the world, you will not give over your children to be taught by demons! Satan has many loosed upon earth now. They enter into the bodies of any man, woman, or child who has fallen out of grace; and they enter into the bodies of those who teach your children error.
"It is the place and the will of the Eternal Father that the home shall be the safeguard for the children's souls - the mother, the father. But what can We expect, My children, when even the state of marriage, the Sacrament of Marriage, is being destroyed slowly? We know all that is going on upon earth - living together without unions under God. No, My children, that shall also be destroyed in time; if not by sickness and death of the body, it will also be by sickness and death of the soul.
"My children, it was never deemed by Heaven, nor the Eternal Father - as written in the good Book of life and love, your Bible, that man shall not cohort with man; man shall not cohabit with man; and man shall not seek diversion from his home by setting out to seduce another.
"My child and My children, are there many strong homes left in the United States, Canada, and many homes of the world? No, My children, the standards have been lowered. And when the standards are lowered, satan takes over. -Vigil of June 6, 1987
St Theresa- "As in the time of Sodom and Gomorrah, the Eternal Father was most merciful until His mercy could no longer be contained. So will it be for those who partake of the abominable acts of what you call upon earth homosexuality. It is an abomination in the eyes of the Eternal Father. "Parents must guard their children, even from their teachers. Many are now direct agents of hell, though they walk in human bodies. Protect your children with their sacramentals. Teach them!
"My children, I ask you, please - I call you my children because I have looked down upon earth for many years, and I feel that I have a firm attachment to the souls upon earth. -Vigil of June 18, 1981
Our Lady- "When I came to Fatima many years ago, I knew that communism would go throughout the world destroying many nations and attacking My Son's Church. Therefore, I made a promise that if the Pope, the Pope of those days and the Pope today, would unite with all the bishops of the world, all together on one day-not the world-but the bishops and the Pope will unite and pray for the consecration of Russia.

I do not mean the world, My children; I mean Russia-Russia, the scourge of mankind. You will pray for Russia. One day must be allotted in which Pope John Paul II and also, all the bishops of the world must unite on one day, I repeat, and pray for Russia; or Russia will continue to be the scourge from God. Russia will continue to go throughout the world annihilating people and places and countries."

Vigil of October 2, 1987

Excerpts from the Vigil of October 2, 1987

"The word of Russia is not good, for what communism means is liars, and murderers, deceivers straight from the bowels of hell. "My child and My children, listen to Me carefully. Guard your children and those in your family with your sacramentals: the Rosary, if you have no other sacramental; until you receive a brown scapular and a crucifix, place a Rosary about your children's necks. They must be guarded in these dire times. How urgent is it? All you have to do, My children, is hear the daily news and you know of the murders of the young and innocent that are being perpetrated by the agents of satan. "My child and My children, prayer has not become a way of life for many. That is why communism has got such a foothold in your country and in other countries of the world. The prayers given to you in your childhood will be remembered always, I know, My children; but there are those who have not received these prayers in their schools, for prayer has been outlawed in many areas of your country and the world. It took but a few without faith to bring down the flag, for even your country's flag is being defiled, My children. I speak both of the United States and Canada, for when the great tribulation falls upon them, they will have to hold each other up; for they cannot escape through the waters to get help. They will not escape through the skies, but the number of dead will be counted in the millions. "Must I go any farther, My child and My children, to bring this urgent message to you? Satan did everything he could to keep you from coming, My child. Everything he could because he knew that this message had to go out.



Our Lady- "O Our wandering sheep are going without true leaders. My priests of the world, I say to you now: you must listen to My voice from Heaven. You must consecrate Russia to My Immaculate Heart or you will die. "O My children, I hear the pleas of mothers with children that have vanished, it seems, from the face of your earth. So big and so numerous are the catastrophes to a home that you would think, My child and My children, that they would understand and accept the truth that satan is loosed upon your earth, satan and his whole legion of devils. Satan and his legion are known to you as 666. 
Vigil of April 14, 1984



Our Lady- "That, My child, is symbolism of what is to be. When Pope John Paul II is removed, the Church shall be divided among itself. United it will stand, divided it will fall. "My child, many times I have heard you calling to Me in supplication for your leaders of your country, and the leaders of all nations throughout the world. What can We say of them at this time? That very few have received the grace to turn back from their ways that have offended the Eternal Father, and We have now reached the point in history, the end days, and soon the great Chastisement will be set upon your country and every nation that has succumbed to satan. "My child, there is much to be done before the Warning, and then the great Chastisement. In between this shall come forth the Third World War. You will see carnage, and killings, and blood running in your streets, My children. "For a nation that has received much, this nation, the United States of America, has become depraved through its medias - the newspapers, the motion pictures, the televisions - all agents of hell and of satan. "My Son's teachings have been removed from the schools. Only those that call themselves Catholic shall receive if but a glimmer of light of the true Faith. "There are many nations now that promote the greatest of sacrileges. Through their medias and their permissiveness, they have brought forth satanism - the worship of satan, the adversary, to the debauchery of young children. "O My child and My children, if I could take you step by step, you would die of fear and of horror if you could look behind the closed doors and see what is happening to your children. Many now are being trained as adults with a knowledge that cannot be absorbed into their young minds. Therefore, they become victims of their elders. "How long shall this be permitted by the Eternal Father? My children, not very long. "Veronica, My child, We have been forced to bring you back, though the plan was to have you join the legion of victim souls. However, it is time now to shout from the rooftops: your end is near at hand. "I have often told you, My child, that only a few will be saved, and this has brought you great despair of heart. Do not despair, My child, the Eternal Father has a plan for all lives. You may continue to pray, for the enemy is at the door. "O My child, My tears fall upon you all when I see all of the innocent little babies being slaughtered . . . cast into garbage pails like nothing but dirt and scum. They are living human beings! And all murderers shall get their just recompense. "O My children, how blind you are to think that you will live forever. My Son's clergy must return to the knowledge of the existence of a hell and purgatory.

Vigil of March 18, 1983



Our Lord Jesus - "My children, you must all be defenders of your Faith. By your example and your practice of the corporal works of mercy among mankind, you can stem the tide of evil now that has engulfed all of the nations of your world and will soon bring about the extermination of three-quarters of mankind. "O My children, how foolish you are to not heed the warnings given from Heaven through My Mother, Whose heart bleeds for you, for She well knows your near future. As your Mother, She has come to you begging you from a Mother's heart to do penance, make atonement and sacrifice, for the time is running out. Many will die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. "Oh, the scoffers go about saying: 'And what time do You speak of?' I speak of the short time to come. "My child and My children, the forces upon earth are gathered. It is a true battle of spirits now. Sadly, Lucifer has gathered many now; many souls upon earth have condemned themselves to the abyss. "We call upon mankind for victim souls: those who are willing by human will and spiritual light to make restitution upon the cross. I say unto you, as your God, to pick up your cross and carry it. The road is narrow and filled with thorns. But there is only one road to Heaven, and once you go off of it, the way back becomes more difficult, and often to many, impossible. And why? Because too few pray for them.
Vigil of September 7, 1979


Our Lady- "I say unto the clergy, My Son's priests and the clergy of the world: you have been blinded because of pride and arrogance. Your minds are confused with worldliness, humanism, and modernism. Pray on your knees! Take your heads out of the fog now while there is time, for your time is running out. Redeem yourselves in the eyes of the Eternal Father now. "I shall be with you, My children. Do not be afeared of these warnings I give you. They are given not to bring fear to your heart, but to bring the truth of what is to take place upon earth and to prepare you and give you every opportunity to restore the state of your soul, that it be pleasing before the Eternal Father. "O My children, I will continue to travel throughout your world, crying to you: Repent, for the hour grows short."
Vigil of August 4, 1979


Our Lady- "Measure for measure, the Eternal Father shall meter to you a just form of punishment. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption.
"There is no excuse accepted now by the Eternal Father among the clergy, who now offend the Eternal Father by misleading the children of God upon earth. The experimentation and changes must be stopped and reversed! There is no other course. "Many upon your earth now have chosen to worship the adversary, satan. "I have told you, counseled you in the past, that sin is insanity. Your world and its people are involved - they walk as on a treadmill, seeking power and money and material goods and pleasure. And they go round and about, never stopping as the world plunges faster to the abyss. "I have asked you in the past to remain away from even the simplest forms of entertainment outside of your home because Lucifer will give you one thousand truths if he can bring in one error to you. Do not be deceived by your medias, because they are under the control now of the agents of hell. "I ask you not to single out or judge another. But I ask you and counsel you as your Mother to avoid the occasions of sin. "Pray for your brothers and sisters. Pray that you do not become victim to the governing powers of your world now. Lucifer, the prince of darkness, walks your earth, loosed from hell. He is gathering fast his armies. If you align yourself with him, you will be forever damned. He will buy your favors, for many now are selling their souls to get to the head. "You will all keep a constant vigilance of prayer going throughout your world. Do not expect to receive from your hierarchy counsel to pray, counsel to do penance, counsel to make amends to your God. Because too few peoples in the light have prayed for your clergy, many of them have given themselves over to a life of worldly pursuits and pleasure. "Theologians in My Son's churches and seminaries have implemented doctrines of demons in My Son's House - Church. Theologians have set many onto the path to hell. "The Eternal Father, through His prophets upon earth, have given you in writing your Bible, a clear and simple plan for redemption. And it has been made known to you all by John the plan of the end days and Lucifer being loosed upon earth - the coming of the time of 666. 6 is for the six who are coming and are here now; 6 is for the six days of terrible suffering; and 6 is for the six who will be punished and rechained.

Vigil of August 4, 1979



Our Lord Jesus - "I send to My clergy, those whom I have given the grace to represent Heaven upon earth, this warning: You must now return to your traditional rites! You must restore My House from its crumbling exterior and rotting interior. You must rebuild what you seek to destroy - NOW! "Many who call themselves My chosen ones have set themselves to destroy from within. Your actions have not gone by unnoticed by the Eternal Father. Error, deception, deceit, in the guise of sanctity and piousness! You are unmasked before the Eternal Father. You shall start little by little and repair the foundation, or you shall be within and destroy. "I look upon all manner of abominations being committed in My House. Do you think you will go much longer without chastisement? Awaken from your slumber, My clergy! You deceive no one! "For your errors and your greed and your giving yourselves to the flesh, succumbering to all of the creations of satan, you gain nothing but an eternity in hell! "The Eternal Father will chastise those He loves. Many shall die in the great flame of the Ball of Redemption. "I repeat, you will hasten to make amends to the Eternal Father - NOW! You will all go back and read the words of My Mother given to you. All will come to pass. None shall escape judgment. All will be held accountable for their actions. All will be held accountable for their laxity in the formation of the souls of the young.

Vigil of November 22, 1975



Our Lord Jesus - "Pray and wear your sacramentals. And also, My children, I ask you again to place a crucifix upon your door. Both front and back doors must have a crucifix. I say this to you because there will be carnage within your areas, and this will pass you by if you keep your crucifix upon your doors.

Vigil of June 30, 1984

Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers continues to wait for the formal investigation, the Shrine has never had a formal investigation. We continue to save the Miraculous Photos and Testimonials of miracles that have happened through the years for the Shrine Archives; we are not affiliated with other websites that publish the Messages for financial gain. We have faith in the words of Our Holy Mother: "Yes, My child, I am going about the world appearing in various places, and I have reason for all.  One day, My child, the waters will come up at Bayside, and I will appear over the old church building.  Your Bishop then cannot deny My appearances.  May 17, 1986

No formal investigation  click for Veronica’s talk


We respect the privacy of all who contact and support the Official Shrine of Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers at Veronica’s mailbox at Box 52, Bayside NY.  Please be assured we never share, sell, rent,  etc.  any contact information – addresses, telephone numbers or emails with anyone or any group or organizations.  We also are not affiliated with the many other illegitimate organizations using the Shrine name for their own agendas and financial gain.  Our Lady said there will be “One Center in New York”.  Thank you.

The Official Shrine Rosary Vigils   (see calendar above, click to expand or print)


Sunday Holy Hours every Sunday at 10:30 AM-ET via free telephone conference at 712-770-4841, when connected dial Access Code 960859# or also in person at the Vatican Pavilion in Flushing Meadows Park, New York. Please see Map & Directions under The Shrine Tab.


Join all the Rosary prayers above via free telephone conference at 712-770-4841, when connected dial Access Code 960859# or come to the Vatican Pavilion in Flushing Meadows Park, New York.  Please see Map & Directions under The Shrine Tab.


Pilgrimage Information  - We can assist pilgrims visiting the shrine.  Please call at (718) 961-8865 or  (917) 969-6900 cell Or email the Shrine office at OurLadyoftheRoses@gmail.com, we will reply and help plan your visit. 


The Official Shrine Vigils on the Eve of the Fest Days- the dates given to Veronica by Our Lady.  And Sunday Holy Hours for the Clergy requested by Our Lady in 1973.

   Pray the Rosary Daily